99 Problems,
but a candle will solve most of them…
Primary Intention Collection
Channel your power with incentivising scents of grapefruit and amber.
Draw energy from the world around you with the uplifting aroma of fresh lemons.
Calm your mind and body with soothing lavender fragances.

in small batches.
Dear Reader,
Starting this business was an act of self-love. Feeling uneasy with my stress management routine, I made a choice to find a healthy and productive way to utilize my down time. The goal? To create something that could be beneficial to both myself and others. The result? Primary Intention Candle Co.
When searching for a project that could satisfy my desire to create something palapable, consistently, I couldn’t help but think about two things; these intention candles I saw in a small shop in Hot Springs Arkansas last Christmas and the water glasses at my job. I also couldn’t stop thinking about these seminars I had to endure when I worked for a soul-sucking startup in New York and how they often spoke about the concept of KISS when it comes to creating a dialogue. “Keep it simple stupid!” Not the most polite sentiment…but it sticks with you.
That’s when the idea jumped out at me…
The concept behind Primary Intention Candle Company is to make self-care as memorable as the primary colors. Bartending is how I pay the bills. An occupation I love very much. Nothing thrills me more than a beautiful garnish and calm smiles on people’s faces enjoying a bit of luxury…Anyways, life’s a blessing. The restaurant is very busy, and the water glasses that I so casually mentioned before are made out of sawed wine bottles, inspiring the candle holders.
The restaurant goes through gobs of liquor and wine every week and Orleans Parish doesn’t have recyling programs in place, so it was a match made in heaven.
One crate at a time over several weeks I collected all the bottles necessary for the 99 candles available for purchase. A process of stripping, cutting, and sanding the bottles produces the unique one of a kind holders. Music blasting in my headphones, taking an hour or two whenever I could instead of melting infront of Netflix or endlessly scrolling Instagram…creating candle-holders turned out to be the meditative, viseral experience I had been searching for.
I am really grateful for everything that has made this venture possible and for all the joy it’s brought me. It’s been an incredible experience to discover something that fulfills me and showcases my beliefs regarding environmental conerns, mental health awareness, and the ideal of supporting small and local business. My hope is that y’all enjoy it too. If all goes well, I will continue dropping collections every three months until I move on to grad school.
Thank you for showing support and visiting my website!
Alyssa….Not the butcher, or the baker…the candle stick maker ;)
For additional information about my process, sourcing, and inspiration check out the company Instagram @primaryintentioncandlecompany